How Much Are You Currently Paying for Truck Rentals?

Save big when you rely on West Texas Frac Sand Logistics

Comparing trucking companies can be difficult when their rate sheets are inconsistent. One company might charge you per mile and another by the hour. How do you figure out which company offers the most cost-effective truck rental rates?

You'll breathe a sigh of relief when you see the rate sheets at West Texas Frac Sand Logistics LLC. We offer customized pricing for truck rentals. We can charge you...

  • By the mile
  • By the hour
  • By the band mile

It's up to you. Contact us today for pricing information.

Got special requests?

Got special requests?

We'll go the extra mile to meet your needs. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority.

When you're looking for affordable truck rentals in town, turn to West Texas Frac Sand Logistics. Contact us today to learn more about our rate sheets for truck rentals.